Permutations and Combinations - 2

 Permutations: A permutation is an arrangement of certain objects and thus the ordering of objects is important.

Factorial: The continued product of first 'n' natural numbers is called "n-factorial" and denoted by  n!

 n!= 1х2х3х.........(n-1)n :           0!=1,   ⁿP₀=1,          ⁿPₙ= n!

Factorial of negative number is undefined.



 if   n=0  then  (-1)!=0!/0 = 1/0  not defined.


ⁿPᵣ formula:

An r- permutations of  'A' can be formed in 'r' steps, as described below:

First, choose an object from 'A' put it in the first position. next choose an object from remaining ones in 'A' and put it in second position.

⬜            ⬜            ⬜..................... ⬜                ⬜

1st          2nd         3rd                     '(r-1)'th       'r' th


There are 'n' choices in 1st step, (n-1) choices in 2nd step,..............[n-(r-2)] choices in  '(r-1)'th step and 

[n-(r-1)] choices in 'r' th step.

Thus by (MP) multiplication principle 

 ⁿPᵣ = n(n-1)(n-2)................[n-(r-2)][n-(r-1)]  

Multiply and divide with  (n-r)[n-(r +1)].........2.1

 ⁿPᵣ =   n(n-1)(n-2)................[n-(r-2)][n-(r-1)](n-r)[n-(r +1)].........2.1  ⁄  (n-r)[n-(r +1)].........2.1

ⁿPᵣ= n!/(n-r)!                                     {∵n!= 1х2х3х.........(n-1)n}


                                                              - Kumar.

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